Wednesday, March 26, 2025

HTML Goodies: PERL Primer, Part 11

…use these to jump around or read it all

[The HTML and PERL Code]
[How It Works]


     Passwords are a pain in the bazock. Unless you can configure a server to protect an entire page, you have to go with some kind of JavaScript that’s pretty easy to get past. Plus – once you do get past it, the password is no longer valid because you can just zip right to the page. Yes, I know you can put the password on every page, but how dull will that be, putting in a password every time?

     This password script is solid in that it’s within a PERL script so you can look at code and see the password. Past that, the page it is protecting is within the cgi-bin so you can’t get to it just by linking. You must go through the password page.

     It’s up to you if you want to put all of your protected pages within the cgi-bin or not. If you do – as long as the page requesting the document is within the bin, you can link to it. You cannot if you’re linking from outside the bin. It’s a protected directory. Very cool. Let’s take a look. The correct password is “cow”, but feel free to first put in a false password just to see what happens.

Let’s Check Out That Password

     Now, how about that script?

The HTML and PERL Code

     After that last script, you’ll thank me for this one. It’s a whole lot easier. The HTML code is super simple. It’s little more than a single input box and a submit button. It looks like this:

HTML Password Code

     The PERL code uses that old friend, the form grab module and then some real simple stuff to check the password and open the page. I’ll open it in a new window so you can follow along. Dig this:

PERL Password Code

     Don’t miss that first new line of code way at the top. That’s the password. It’s fairly important.

How It Works

     Let’s start right at the top.

#Look! Look! This is the password!!!! Shhhhhh! Don’t tell anyone!

$password = “cow”;

     The variable “$password” is created and given the text string value of “cow”. Note the double quotes showing it’s a text string.

     Feel free to change it here if you don’t think “cow” is a cool is a cool enough password.
I can’t imagine a better one, but it’s up to you.

     Next up is our old friend the form module that grabs and delineates the form information. We only have one item coming in, the password. Its NAME is “pw,” so we’ll be playing with the scalar variable $FORM{pw}.

# Does the password equal what the user wrote?

    if($password eq $FORM{pw})

     You’ve seen this before. The whole script is on big branching condition. The user has two options, get it right or don’t.

      We ask if the variable “$password” equals what the user wrote. If so, we have to do something. This…

#If it does, open this file


    $file = “correct.html”;

    open(FILE, $file);



       print $_;




     We set a variable “$file” to the value of the page we want to open. Note the double quotes. Please understand that the file we’re showing here must be contained within the cgi-bin. We’re only calling for it by name.

     We open the file by using the command open, assigning the filehandle “FILE” and opening $file which is “correct.html”.

     While the file is open, print it. We do that using the general variable “$_”. Remember that from last primer? It’s a catch-all variable that you’ll use to death.

     Once the file has been printed, close it.

     It’s that simple. A correct password simply opens the file. It’s up to you what to allow the user to do from there.

     But what of the user doesn’t get the password correct? This…

Otherwise, print out this page



    print “Content-type: text/htmlnn”;

    print “<HTML>”;

    print “<TITLE>Wrong!</TITLE>”;

    print “<BODY BGCOLOR=#FFFFCC>”;

    print “<CENTER><FONT COLOR=red Size = +4> Nope!</FONT></CENTER><P>”;

    print “Click BACK to try again”;

    print “</BODY>”;

    print “</HTML>”;


     There’s not a lot of explanation needed here. The script prints out a page to the browser screen that says the user is wrong. This is a fairly simple one; if you want to put in images and a link back to the search engine to try again, go for it.


     Maybe just one password isn’t enough for you! It’s just not good enough! You want two!

     OK, fine. Set up the script so that the user must enter two correct passwords to get the page. Here’s a hint: The code for “and” is “&&”.

Here’s a Possible Answer
This will open in a new window.

[The HTML and PERL Code]
[How It Works]


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