Friday, March 14, 2025

September 9, 2002– Newsletter #197

Goodies to Go ™
September 9, 2002–Newsletter #197

This newsletter is part of the network.

Goodies Announcement

Just in case you missed it before, the new Beyond HTML Goodies book has just been released!


Go beyond the basics and learn how the pros add and use dynamic HTML features
and advanced JavaScript techniques. Beyond HTML Goodies demonstrates dozens of
new and different features readers can add to their existing Web pages using
HTML and JavaScript. The book starts with simple text and image tips, such as
adding a clock to a Web page or causing text to appear when the mouse moves over
an image. It gradually builds to more complex tricks, including manipulating
forms or working with cookies behind the scenes. Throughout the book, readers
enjoy Joe’s snappy style and "to the point" discussion of each "goody" in the



Goodies Thoughts – Easy Navigation Maintenance

Many thanks to all of you who use as your web development
information resource and who send in your questions to the Mentors.
There have been a lot of questions recently related to web site navigation, and
especially how to simplify the navigation maintenance effort. Our mentors have
devised a variety of elegant solutions and have shared those solutions with
those who sent in the questions. A couple of them have also appeared in Q&A
Goodies in earlier issues of this newsletter.
Since this has been such a hot topic recently, I thought it would be a good idea
to discuss it a little further here.

First there is the question of where to put the navigation
links. Basically there are four options: top, left, bottom and right. You could
theoretically place them in the middle and modify the surrounding area, but to
do so would mean you are dealing with a much more esoteric site than this topic
is intended to deal with! Personally, I favor the left. It seems to me to be the
most natural place for a contents list. That being said, the top is a great
place for a group of headings. The choice between these two would have to depend
on what makes sense for your content. It may be that a group of headings across
the top takes you to different sections of the site, while each section has a
content list on the left to take you to the various pages in that section. I am
not a big fan of contents on the bottom or on the right, except for links to
related information that may be in other sites. The bottom and the right also
have to contend more with screen resolution problems. It is no fun the develop a
site with lots of interesting sections if nobody can find out they are there
because the contents have disappeared off the right or dropped off the bottom!

Enough with the cosmetics! Let’s get to the "How?"

There are several possible methods to use for easy to
maintain contents. One method which does not fit this category is to create a
table on each page that contains the contents list. Each time you change a link,
you would have to change every page on which that link appears. It’s doubtful
you’ll do that more than once or twice without making any errors!

Next method: if you’re using FrontPage or a similar
program, they typically have a means of automatically generating navigation
features. In FrontPage you can us "Shared Borders" (for more information, use
the indicated term as a search term in FrontPage’s Help system — for more about
FrontPage, see
) into which you put
navigation elements using the "Navigation" view. This method works, but depends
on the particular program to support it and takes you a little further away from
the actual code, thereby reducing your level of control a little.

Another method is to create pages (files) that are "include"d
into your various site pages. This is called Server Side Includes (SSI). We have
an article (see
) that includes a very nice
section with examples on how to do this. The trouble with this method is that it
depends on the server permitting SSI. While most do these days, there are still
some that don’t. You might want to check with your service provider before
writing a ton of code using SSI (unless of course, you just want the practice!)

In my opinion, the best method is to use frames. "Uggh!" I
hear from the peanut gallery! In the old days (and the Internet is getting
older!) frames were shunned because they looked ugly and a lot of browsers
didn’t support them. Almost every modern browser now support frames and those
frames can have zero width borders so you dont even have to know they’re there.
Judicious use of contents, sizes etc. should also prevent the need for scroll
bars appearing in the middle of your page. "How?" Easy! There’s a neat tutorial
right here:
Go ahead and get right in! With
a frame on the left for contents, one on the right for the body of the site and
possibly one across the top for titles and even group headings (see
for advice on how to change
both the contents and the main body frames with one click of a subject header)
you should be all set. Many thanks also to our esteemed reader Dr. Virginia
Lawrence who reminds us that "1. The site owner should not be removing or
renaming pages from his Web site after the Web site has been spidered by the
search engines. If he removes or renames pages, he is breaking his existing
search engine links. (Adding links and pages, is of course, perfectly fine!) 2.
Not all of the search engines can follow SSI, ASP, or JavaScript links."

Thanks for reading!


Q & A Goodies

Questions are taken from
submissions to our Community Mentors. You can ask a Mentor a question by going

Q. Is there anyway to indicate the window size of a link in standard

A. To make a new window a specific size you can add a little JavaScript
to the html link code
like so:

<a href="#"
height=200, menubar, status, scrollbars, resizable, toolbar,
location’);">Your Link Here</a>

Just change the the part "YourPageNameHere" to the actual name of your html file
and set your height and width to the size you want. You can also
leave off the menu bar, status bar, scroll bar, tool bar, location bar and
make it not resizable by just leaving any of those sections out of the code.

Q. In the gallery pages i.e portraits the page loads with the jpegs. , on
clicking the image a larger version appears in a pop-up. This works okay, except
that the original page stops loading, so to see images that had not loaded prior
to the pop-up the page has to be refreshed.
Is there a way for the page to continue loading in the background?

A. You might try pre loading the images in the gallery pages.
If you have a copy of JavaScript Goodies, this is covered in Chapter 4, Lesson
17.  You should also be able to find pre loading images covered on the web

The code should be placed within the script tags that lie between the head tags
at the top of your frame page. The intent is to cause the image files to load
into the cache before the body of the page is loaded, thus rendering the images
more quickly.
There is a chance this might not help as when your visitors click to open the
new window before all the images are done loading, the previous page loses

Q.  I’m using a table with links in the cells and want the cell an
link to change color when the mouse goes over them. Currently, when the mouse
moves over the hyperlink, the cell it is in changes color, but if the mouse just
goes over the cell and not the hyperlink itself, nothing changes.

A. Here is a sample script of one way that you could have the cell color
change only when you mouse over the text link. This script will work in IE5+ and
NS6+ version browsers. For NS4 and IE4 nothing will happen when you mouseover,
but you also will not receive any errors Take a look at the code below and let
me know if you have any questions.

<title>Table Cell and Link Color Change</title>
function chgtxt(obj,cellid,cellcolor,linkcolor)
if(document.getElementById) // IE5+ and NS6+ only
<TD ID="td1" STYLE="background-color:blue;" ALIGN="center" VALIGN="middle">
<A HREF="somepage.html" ID="link0"
STYLE="color:white;font-weight:bold;font-size:11pt;font-face:Arial" onMouseOver="chgtxt(this,’td1′,’white’,’blue’)"
onMouseOut="chgtxt(this,’td1′,’blue’,’white’)">Click Me</A>
<TD ID="td2" STYLE="background-color:yellow;" ALIGN="center" VALIGN="middle">
<A HREF="somepage.html" ID="link1"
STYLE="color:red;font-weight:bold;font-size:11pt;font-face:Arial" onMouseOver="chgtxt(this,’td2′,’red’,’yellow’)"
onMouseOut="chgtxt(this,’td2′,’yellow’,’red’)">Click Me</A>



Q.  I would like to know how to put an executable file on my web
page. I have created a file using ebcreator. Their web page says the ebooks
created can be downloaded from a home page but I can not figure out how to get
the file on the page.


A. You just use the regular link code <a href="mybookname.pdf">My Ebook</a>.
Most ebooks are viewable in adobe .pdf format so the user (which most already
do) must have the free adobe pdf viewer to read it.



News Goodies


Microsoft Rolls out Windows XP

[September 9, 2002] Service Pack 1 will let computer makers and users avoid key
Microsoft middleware programs, as mandated by the company’s pending antitrust

Click here to read the article


I’ve Been Framed!
(If you read my piece above, you should also read this! – VB)
[September 9, 2002] New vulnerability discovered in IE could allow attackers to
compromise your computer through a Web site’s frames.

Click here to read the article



Movie Titans Struggle Against
Tides of Fate

[May 17, 2002] FEATURE: Hollywood is on the brink of rolling out PC broadband
video-on-demand services, but has the wait been too long? There may not be
enough market to support IP network services with piracy in vogue.

Click here to read the article

And Remember This . . .

On this day in…

1956, Elvis on Ed Sullivan
Elvis finally appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show. Ed had refused to book Elvis
because he thought the singer’s stage gyrations and suggestive move were
scandalous. He changed his mind, however, due to the amazing popularity of the
singer on other shows. After he appeared on Ed’s show, his name became a
household name.

, The first computer bug!

Computer pioneer Grace Murray Hopper
found the first documented live bug in a computer on this day in 1945. Although
the term "bug" had been used to describe technical glitches since the late
1800s, the bug that plagued Hopper this day was an actual moth that had managed
to get into the circuitry of the Mark II computer at Harvard University. The
bug, which Hopper and her assistants removed with tweezers, was preserved at the
Naval Museum in Dahlgren, Virginia


Thanks for reading Goodies to Go!


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