Sunday, March 16, 2025

Mindscape Offers a New Error Tracking Tool for Ruby on Rails Developers

New error tracking tools for Ruby on Rails developers

The Ruby ecosystem has continued to see growth over the years as the development language has had several great and unique features added to it. And when combined with the Rails framework it becomes an exceptional option when developing next-gen web application. Now Ruby on Rails developers have a new option for error tracking with Raygun. Which offers a new and easily digestible format including charts and statistics, while it intelligently groups errors by type.Raygun displays many details about the error, including back trace, request data, client and server environment details. This means software with fewer bugs, and happier users when developing with the most popular languages and frameworks, such as Ruby/Rails, .NET, Java, Node.js, PHP, Python, JavaScript, Xamarin – Raygun and more. You can read the full details here.

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