Friday, March 14, 2025

JetBrains Announces the Release of CLion EAP

JetBrains announces the release of their new CLion EAP, a new IntelliJ-based IDE for C and C++ which comes fully loaded with Code Completion, Code Generation, Intention Actions, Quick Fixes, Refactoring, Project Search and Code Navigation. CLion uses the CMake build system and can keep resources in several version control systems: CVS, Git, Mercurial (hg4idea), Perforce, Subversion, and TFS. CLion is available for all major operating systems, requiring the following versions: OS X 10.8+, Windows 7-64bit, 8-64bit, Linux 64-bit. The IDE also supports HTML/HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, and XML out of the box, and support for other languages and features can be installed via plug-ins such as Lua or IdeaVIM, a VIM emulator. Continue reading here.

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