Thursday, March 13, 2025

JavaScript-based PouchDB Supports HTML5 Data Store

Former Couchbase employee Mikeal Rogers’ new project called PouchDB is a full JavaScript implementation of the CouchDB storage and views API. PouchDB supports the HTML5 data store IndexedDB, and will support LevelDB in future releases.

The goal of PouchDB, as stated in the ReadMe file that accompanies it, is to “maintain the same kinds of consistency guarantees Apache CouchDB provides across concurrent connections across the multiple-tabs a user might be using to concurrently access an PouchDB database.”

Another project in the same vein is BrowserCouch, which was developed by Atul Varma, who has already stated that the two projects may become one in the future, stating that “After IndexedDatabase is more solidified it’s possible that BrowserCouch and PouchDB might merge to provide a simple fallback option for browsers the do not yet support IndexedDatabase.”

Read the original article here.

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