Friday, March 14, 2025

Intuilabs’ Smartboard Pushes the Boundries of HTML5

Recently Intuilabs provided proof that HTML5 is capable of doing some amazing things by showing off their multi-touch smartboard, a tabletop display that uses HTML5 for the majority of its functionality. The main focus of the demonstration is to show that web apps are capable of performing just as well as native apps, which is most apparent when pinching and zooming in the demo.

Intuilabs HTML5-based smartboard was used as a proof-of-concept demonstration that furthers discussion of their idea, which is as they put it, an introduction to “..the Web as a multi-touch application hosting option opens the door to instant availability and universal access, giving retailers, advertisers and the like a powerful new medium for communicating with their prospects and customers. Web designers and their clients will be able to create immersive Web experiences without requiring plug-in downloads or excessive cross-browser scripting to ensure compatibility.”

Read the original article here.

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