Thursday, March 13, 2025

Google to SEO Experts: No More Search Engine Voodoo

As websites scramble to understand just what the algorithm changes that Google recently implemented mean for them, and what to do to regain their ranking losses, one thing is certain. Google says the time for voodoo and SEO black hat tricks is over. Play fair or don’t play at all. 

The changes are the result of Google taking a close look at the results that their search engine returned and deciding that too much trash, scams and phishing sites were outranking truly informational sites that provide value to those doing the searching. Time to clean out the trash. 

Google began the cleanup project by eliminating the use of Meta Tag Keywords. They may still be used, but Google won’t be basing their search engine ranking results on them. Too many unscrupulous SEO firms were using keyword plugging to get higher rankings. Content is king, and that is truly where high rankings belong–relavent content, links to other relavant content, and more fresh, relevant content will get you the rankings you deserve.

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