Saturday, March 15, 2025

Goodies to Go ™
November 4, 2002– Newsletter #205

Goodies to Go ™
November 4, 2002–Newsletter #205

This newsletter is part of the network.

this week

* Goodies Thoughts 
– Validating an SSN
or Similar Numbers.
* Q & A Goodies
* News Goodies
* Feedback Goodies  

* And Remember This



Goodies Announcement

Just in case you missed
it before, the new Beyond HTML Goodies book is now available!


Go beyond the basics
and learn how the pros add and use dynamic HTML features and advanced
JavaScript techniques. Beyond HTML Goodies demonstrates dozens of new and
different features readers can add to their existing Web pages using HTML and
JavaScript. The book starts with simple text and image tips, such as adding a
clock to a Web page or causing text to appear when the mouse moves over an
image. It gradually builds to more complex tricks, including manipulating forms
or working with cookies behind the scenes. Throughout the book, readers enjoy
Joe’s snappy style and “to the point” discussion of each “goody” in the book.




Validating an SSN or Similar Numbers.

This question crops up every now
and then. How do you validate a Social Security
Number (or other such number with special
formatting)? There are as many solutions to a given
problem as there are creative minds applied to the
task of resolving it. I thought it would help to
show a couple of fairly simple JavaScript solutions
that perform some basic validation. Ultimately, if
you have the need to be certain of the validity of
an entered SSN you would need to verify it against a
database. This would be a more involved solution
than we could describe here in the newsletter. What
we can do is to show techniques for validating that
only certain characters are entered into a field and
to look for a particular type of formatting. A US
Social Security Number follows the format
999-99-9999 (three digits, hyphen, two digits,
hyphen, four digits.) If you need to get the basics
of JavaScript, see this primer:

In each of these examples, the function is named
"regular" and can be called thus:

onChange="if (!regular(this.value)) alert(‘Not

We use "onChange" to trigger our test when the
contents of the field have been changed. We call the
"regular" function passing it the value of our input
field as a string ("this.value"). We say that if
"regular" does not return true ("!" is for "not")
put up an alert with the text "Not Valid":
if (!regular(this.value)) alert(‘Not Valid’)

Here is a piece of JavaScript that will check that
only certain characters have been entered in a

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!–
function regular(string) {
if (!string) return false;
var Chars = "0123456789-";

for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++)
{ if (Chars.indexOf(string.charAt(i)) == -1)
return false;
return true;

Let’s look under the hood.

First we check to see that a string has been passed
to our routine and return with an error if not:
if (!string) return false;

Now we define a variable containing each of the
characters we allow in the subject field:
var Chars = "0123456789-";

Using a "for" loop, we check each character to see
if it is one of the characters in our allowed set.
The parameters of the "for" initialize a variable to
zero (which we’ll use as an index to the characters
in our subject field); check to see if the variable
is less that the length of our subject field,
continuing with the looped code if it is and
dropping out (to the instruction following the
closing curly-brace) if it is not; and increment our
index variable by one:
for (var i = 0; i < string.length; i++)

The test in our "for" loop checks our current
character position "string.charAt(i)" to see if it
is contained in our permitted set. Using the "indexOf"
method of our allowable characters variable "Chars"
causes the JavaScript to scan along the field for a
matching character. When there is a match, "indexOf"
gives a value representing the character’s position
— for example, if the character was a 2, "indexOf"
gives a value of 3 because 2 is the third character
in our set. If there is no matching character, "indexOf"
gives a value of -1 indicating "not found". If this
"not found" error condition occurs, we drop out of
our function with a "false" return:
{ if (Chars.indexOf(string.charAt(i)) == -1)
return false;

When we have tested all the characters in our input
string ("i" is no longer less than "string.length")
and we have not yet dropped out of our function with
an error ("return false;") we have passed the test
and our input contains only characters that are
members of our permitted set. We now return
indicating that all is well:
return true;

This example, which requires JavaScript 1.2, uses a
"regular expression" to compare each character
position of the input field to a permitted range:

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2"><!–
function regular(string) {
if (^[0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$/)
!= -1)
return true;
return false;

Regular Expressions can get complicated to
understand and use until you get to know them well.
For now, you could use this example as a model. The
"search" method checks each character position of
"string" to a defined range. "[0-9]" allows that
position to be a numeric character in the range zero
through nine. "-" allows the literal character
hyphen. "$/" ends the permitted string to make sure
there are no more characters. Note that if the input
string is too short, a null would not meet the
criterion for one of the positions and would cause
an error. When there is no failure of the test ("!=
-1") we return true, else we return with an error
condition ("false")

I hope these explanations give you a little insight
into the working of JavaScript as well as providing
you with a model for some field validation you might

Thanks for Reading!
– Vince Barnes


& A Goodies

Questions are taken
from submissions to our Community Mentors. You can ask a Mentor a question by
going to

Q. I am experimenting with different
page layouts with tables. none of the width=""
commands in <table> or <td> seem to actually
provide the restrictions I am looking for. What
am I doing wrong?

A. Table cells expand with their content.
Size images the width you want the table cell
they are in and use wrap or nowrap on text in
the cells. Use <br> on the text to break the
line so the cell will be narrower.
[For more about tables, see:
— Ed.]

Q. I have a slide show that displays a
random picture every 20 seconds. It reloads to
display a new picture with the code:
The page automatically refreshes the image every
20 seconds. I have a key press command such that
if the viewer presses ‘N’ it reloads and
displays the next image instead of waiting for
the full 20 seconds to lapse. I would also like
to do the opposite and allow the viewer to pause
the slideshow if they wish to view the current
image for longer than 20 seconds. Is there a
command that will pause the refresh countdown?
How can I implement this? I want the pause to be
indefinite, so that when the viewer is ready to
move on they press the ‘N’ key for the next
image and the countdown to 20 begins again.

A. Below is an example of one way you can
do it using the setTimeout() and clearTimeout()
functions. I modified this from a Manual Slide
Show script I had.
<html> <head> <title>Image and Link Slide
var a=0
// Enter your images Here along with the
directory if need be.
var imgs=new Array()
// Array used for preloading
var myimages=new Array()
// Do the preload
myimages[i]=new Image()
// Enter your URLS and what you want to go in
the ALT property.
// This is so when they mouse over the image,
// there will be a small description of the
Image or URL.
// Make sure you separate them with an ampersand
"&" so that
// the script can separate them out before
writing out the link.
var urls=new Array()

// This is the function that displays the images
and links.
// You should not have to modify it.
function Doimglink()
document.mydiv.document.write("<A HREF=’"+newurls[0]+"’><IMG

SRC=’"+imgs[a]+"’ BORDER=’0′
elm.innerHTML="<A HREF=’"+newurls[0]+"’><IMG SRC=’"+imgs[a]+"’

BORDER=’0′ TITLE=’"+newurls[1]+"’></A>"
// function used to display random image
function rannum()
len=imgs.length // how many entries in the array
prev=a // Save the previous image index
// If the current image equals the previous
// add one to get a different image.
// In the DIV below you may have to add the top
and left properties
// to the style tag to position it correctly in
the window.
// You must keep it positions as absolute for it
to work in NS4.0+ browsers.
<body onLoad="rannum()">
<DIV ID=’mydiv’
<DIV ID=’ctrldiv’
<A HREF="javascript:clearTimeout(Timer)">Stop</A>
<A HREF="javascript:rannum()">Restart</A>

Q. A user types their username and
password into two different textboxes. When they
click the login/submit button it sends them to
another page like this:
where "username" and "password" is the text they
typed in the textboxes. How do I send the
information they entered?

A. You can pass them as variables through
a JavaScript. Try this tutorial:

Q. I want to create a pop-up window and
inside it I want to have a print and close
option. What code should I use?

A. The close link code is:
<a href="javascript:self.close();">close
Print is:
<a href="javascript:self.print();">print</a>

Q. I am using anchor hypertext links <a
href>, but they appear to automatically
underline the text to be used as the link. Is
there any command that will omit the underlining
of the text?

A. Use CSS. You can have a linked
stylesheet, a piece of CSS inside style tags, or
a style attribute in each link. The code you
need is text-decoration: none.

a {text-decoration: none}
<a href="wherever" style="text-decoration:

[For more about Cascading Style Sheets, see: —

Q. I saw a script that reveals the source
code of any web page (
) in a pop-up window. Is there any way to make
the source code appear inside a textarea or some
other part of an HTML form?

Unfortunately that won’t work to place
the source in a textarea.
The only way that I know of would be to place it
directly in the textarea like the example below.
<title>View Source in a Text Area</title>
function viewsrc()
document.vsrc.pgsrc.value="view-source:" +window.location.href
<FORM NAME="vsrc">
<TEXTAREA NAME="pgsrc" COLS="70" ROWS="20">
<TITLE>My source</TITLE>
function myalert()
<A HREF="javascript:myalert()">Click Here</A>


*** Mentor Spotlight ***

 Jim Young

At HTML Goodies we wish to express our sincere
gratitude to our mentors.
All the time our mentor spend reading,
researching and answering questions sent in to
our Mentor Community is provided voluntarily by
our mentors. On occasions, we like to throw a
spotlight on a mentor so that you can get to
know more about them and so that we can all show
our appreciation.
Jim Young is one of our JavaScript Mentors. A
lot of our readers receive the benefit of Jim’s
expertise each week when they send in their
JavaScript questions. Many editions of this
newsletter have carried examples of his work.
Says Jim:
"I am a Senior Programmer Analyst at a hospital
in Michigan. I have over 15 years experience in
Information Systems. Most of my experience has
been on Mainframe applications. The last few
years I have concentrated on learning HTML,
JavaScript and Website Design in general. I am
have added Perl and Java to expand my knowledge
and job skills."




News Goodies

Intel Serves Up its Next Gen Xeon MP
[November 4, 2002] OEMs and partners fall in line as
the chip making giant addresses upcoming 16 and 32
way boxes with a 2GHz processor, code named

here to read the article

Judge Approves Microsoft Antitrust Settlement
[November 1, 2002] UPDATE: A federal judge approves
the settlement agreement Microsoft reached with the
Department of Justice last year.

here to read the article

IRS Signs Deal for Free E-Filing
[November 1, 2002] Tax preparers agree to boost
percentage of free online tax filings in exchange
for promotion on IRS website.

here to read the article


Today’s Portal Could Be Tomorrow’s Porn
[November 1, 2002] Domain name expiration problems
have factored into some 1,500 mainstream Web sites
becoming porn sites, according to research from

here to read the article

Yahoo Goes PHP in Open Source Embrace
[October 30, 2002] The mega portal continues to
dance with open-source software with its decision to
switch from proprietary languages to PHP for its
backend scripting.

here to read the article





Did you ever wish your newsletter was an easy two way communications medium?
Ploof! It now is!
If you would like to comment on the newsletter or expand/improve on something
you have seen in here, you can now send your input to:

We already receive a lot of email every day. This address will help us sort out
those relating specifically to this newsletter from all the rest. When you send
email to this address it may wind up being included in this section of the
newsletter, to be shared with your fellow readers.

We received lots of email this week indicating the
number of typos and other errors in last week’s
newsletter. A couple of things happened last week:
we included peoples questions and answers as asked
and answered without editing them. These questions
(and sometimes the answers) frequently contain a lot
of errors. Sometimes it’s difficult to tell a typo
in the question apart from the error that is the
cause of the problem. An example is the Q&A here:
A. <img src="dada.jpg"> not <img scr="dada.jpg">
If we correct the typo in the question ("IMG SCR")
we also correct the cause of his error. This is a
very obvious example, most are more subtle. So we
thought that maybe we should just include these Q&A
items without editing them. It seems to be a fairly
unpopular idea. Perhaps we should edit those items
that overtly offend the English sensibilities,
leaving the lesser errors alone. (BTW, several
responders seem to have missed the point of this
correction in Jim’s reply.)

I said a couple of things happened — the other was
my bad! I cut and pasted from an interim copy into
the live newsletter instead of from the final. To
those who pointed out the "there own way" instead of
"their own way", I’d like you all to know that this
is number one on my list of pet peeves, and all I
can say is "guilty as charged!"  I noticed it
only moments after it went out and was instantly
mortified!  My favorite comment came from the
writer who concluded "… and it would do you well
to have somebody check it for grammer."  That
really is their turn of phrase and their spelling of
"grammar"!  A close second indicates "Spelling
and obvious grammattical errors"!  It just goes
to show that we all can be guilty of this type of
keyboard mishap, no matter how hard we try!  At
Goodies To Go we will try very hard to eliminate our
errers and smelling mistakes! <G>


Remember This
. . .

On this day in…

1979 Iranians Take Hostages At US Embassy
Iranian students stormed the US Embassy in Tehran on
November 4th, 1979. They were angered that the US
allowed the deposed Shah of Iran to receive medical
treatment in the US. They threatened to murder
hostages if any rescue was attempted. The Ayatollah
Khomeini, leader of the fundamentalist
revolutionaries, took full control of the country a
few days later when the interim leader resigned. He
released all non-US hostages and all women and
minority Americans. He said that these were all
groups who suffered oppression at the hands of the
US. He continued to hold 52 Americans hostage.
President Jimmy Carter attempted to obtain release
of the hostages by diplomatic means but was unable
to do so. A rescue attempt on April 24, 1980 failed
terribly and cost the lives of eight US military
personnel. In July the former Shah died of cancer
but the Ayatollah was relentless. When Ronald Reagan
was elected, Algerian intermediaries were able to
successfully negotiate an agreement and on the day
of his inauguration, January 20th, 1981 the 52 were
released. $3 billion in frozen Iranian assets were
also released and the US promised a further $5
billion in financial aid. The hostages’ ordeal had
lasted 444 days.

Thanks for reading
Goodies to Go!


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