Friday, March 14, 2025

September 13, 1999 — Newsletter #45

September 13, 1999 — Newsletter #45
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Greetings, Weekend Silicon Warriors,

Did you hear…

>Republican House Whip Tom Delay has introduced a bill that
would lift a lot of the restrictions on how much a political
candidate can spend on the Web. Those against the measure
said it would thwart election campaign finance reform

>On a related note, did you know that Steve Forbes was the
first presidential candidate to announce candidacy over the

>Check your computer for a file called “W32/Kriz.3862”.
That’s the so-called Christmas Trojan horse virus. If you
have it, use a virus program to get rid of it. It will
explode on Christmas day and do damage to W95 and W98
computers. If your system doesn’t kill it, look to the Web
site of your virus program for help. Many companies are
making this a priority.

>Did you invest with by any chance? If so,
sorry. The site was fake. The four who started it were
creating bogus information to sell stocks and bonds. They
will be charged 9/8/99 in U.S. District Court with
conspiracy to commit securities fraud and conspiracy to
commit money laundering.

Now, onto today’s topic…

Do you feel secure on the Web?

Do you have privacy?

Did you know there was a difference?

Yes. In fact, that difference is causing a rift in the
Internet business community. Here’s the general concept. When
you perform a monetary transaction on a Web site, often you
are sent to a secure area of the server so that your credit
card number and personal information is transmitted in an
encrypted fashion. Been there? Done that? Good. That’s what’s
known as “security.”

Once the transaction is complete, the business has your name
and e-mail address and some other really juicy information
about you. Will they sell that to a spam list or not? The
answer to that question relates to “privacy.”

Many Web privacy groups are getting bent out of shape because
very few consumers realize that these two concepts are not
one and the same. Most people believe that if a Web site
offers secure transactions, they must in turn offer privacy.
The problem is that this logical line of thinking isn’t
always so.

Immediately, some might yell, Government Regulation! (People
would look at you funny, but you might yell that.) While
some might agree with you, the general Internet business
community wants as little government interaction as possible
and business are taking steps to avoid it.

Just last week, Intel announced that it will pull its
advertising from any site that doesn’t prominently display a
privacy statement. I think it’s interesting that they put
the statement that way. They didn’t pull their ads from a
site that would sell your e-mail address, just from sites
that won’t tell you that they’re selling your e-mail address.

So, it’s buyer beware. Read the privacy statement. If it’s
there and if it says we will sell your e-mail address if you
give it to us, then tough cookies on you. You were warned.
It’s better than nothing, I guess.

By the way, Intel is not the leader in this thinking. IBM,
Microsoft, and Disney carry similar qualifications on their
advertising dollar.

Do you find it funny that Intel is trumpeting this privacy
concern? Remember the flack over the last Pentium chip that
carried ID numbers so that information could be transmitted
to help verify the identity of consumers? I wonder if this
decision is more PR than concern for the consumer.

So, is the answer to just put a privacy statement on the page
and all will be well? Nope. This is another case of the bad
ones have ruined it for the good ones.

Jupiter Communications did a survey and found that almost
two-thirds of Web consumers simply distrust a Web site in
terms of privacy, even if a privacy statement is included on
the page. Pure and simple, we think you’re lying to us
because you’ve burned us in the past. Once bitten twice shy.

I’ll admit it. I am in this category. I have no problem
putting a credit card into a Web site because I know the
process of SSL is quite safe. But I wonder how well my
privacy is being protected when I open the Goodies e-mail
box and see spam after spam after spam. Yes, I always hit
reply and put “REMOVE” in the subject line. Ha! Fat lot of
good that does.

I’ve been burned and it cheeses me. The Jupiter survey notes,
I believe correctly, that consumers’ distrust in terms of
privacy issues are deep and complex and will not quickly or
easily be assuaged.

I’m really not sure what a site would have to do to make me
believe they won’t sell my information once I put it in. I
guess it’s a case of I’ll know it when I see it.

Jupiter asked 2,015 consumers what would help them trust a
site’s privacy statements. The results weren’t encouraging.

– 37% said nothing would help them believe a site’s
privacy policy. I hate to say it, but I just might fall into
this category.

– Thirty-six percent say that posting a privacy statement would
help allay fears.

– Twenty-seven percent said that a third-party seal or
endorsement of the site’s privacy policy would help.

– Fourteen percent would trust the site if there were government

– Only nine percent would trust a friend or co-worker’s word.

(Yes, I know the results added up to 123%. My assumption is
that many consumers chose more than one answer.)

So, what is it? Third-party seals on the Web, a mixture of
seals and government involvement (which government, by the

Nope. We will not get to mass acceptance of privacy statements
by adding anything. We’ll get there by taking things away.
The solution is akin to getting a friend to trust you again
after you’ve done them seriously wrong. It will take time and
it will take true effort on the friend’s part.

Consumers need to see spam-free mailboxes. They especially
need to notice that the spam at least doesn’t increase
dramatically after making a purchase.

May I suggest a solution? The Internet community needs to set
an overriding policy. Let it come from the W3C or some other
nonprofit group that has no stake in the process.

The policy statement should state, “This Web site will not
distribute any of your personal information including your
name, e-mail, or demographic information without your
permission” then offer a checkbox that the user can click to
offer information.

Just don’t pull the underhanded trick of having the box
already checked and expect the consumer to uncheck it.
That’s dirty. The consumer should only have to take action
if they want something, not if they don’t.

The Web site could then have two databases, one for those who
say “no” and one for those who say “yes.” Sell the “yes”
database. You were given permission. If it’s found that you
sold the “no” database, then you should pay serious fines or
be put out of business. I think the punishment should be that
harsh because that one site that sells the “no” database will
have placed a scarlet letter on those who don’t.

“Wait!” some business site might cry, “We make money off of
selling those lists. We would never get enough e-mail
addresses to make it a viable sell.”

That should tell you something, don’t you think?


And that’s that. Thanks for reading.

Joe Burns, Ph.D.

And Remember: The shortest grammatically correct sentence in
the English language is “I am.” However, some people think
that “I do” might, in fact, be the longest sentence.

Thanks, folks! I’m here all week!

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