Thursday, March 13, 2025

Goodies To Go! Newsletter #385


Goodies to Go ™

April 18, 2006 — Newsletter # 385


     This newsletter is part of
the network.



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A Note about Email Filtering:
All Goodies To Go
newsletters are sent from the domain “”  Please use this
domain name (not the entire “from” address, which varies) when configuring
e-mail or spam filter rules, if you use them.


Featured this week:


*   Goodies Thoughts – JavaScript Time
*   Q & A
*   Discussion Goodies
*   News Goodies

*   Feedback Goodies
*   Windows Tech Goodie of the
*   And Remember This…

JavaScript Time


It’s that time again!  Or is it?  Sometimes it’s difficult to
tell what the time is, or how much of it has passed since a particular point in
time.  That’s frequently a problem.  We’re in luck, however, when
we’re on a web page, because at that point in time we can use some features that
will help us to know exactly how much time is passing.  I’m talking, of
course, about JavaScript timers.


JavaScript timers are pretty useful for timing various actions on a web
page.  A common use would be for rotating advertising banners or messages
on a page.  I’m sure that you can think of many useful things to do with a
timer without my prompting, so let’s forge ahead and see what this timer is and
how to use it.


The JavaScript function we are going to use is the
window.setTimeout ()
There are two parameters we can use with
this function.  The first one says what to do, and the second says how long
to wait before doing it.  The first can be a single statement, a collection
of statements separated by semicolons and enclosed in quotes, or the name of a
function defined elsewhere on the page.  The second is a value measured in
milliseconds, so that 10000 would be ten seconds.


The best way to describe how to use it is with an example.  This
example is a tribute to the father of symbolic logic, Charles Dodgson, also
known as Lewis Carroll, author of Alice in Wonderland and Alice Through the
Looking Glass.


Here’s the page (remember our “<.” feature — see the note in Q&A
Goodies, below):


function speakwalrus()
    document.write(“<.h1>&quot;The time has
come,&quot; the Walrus said, &quot;to speak of many
onload=”window.setTimeout(‘speakwalrus()’, 9000)”>
Walrus and the Carpenter<.br>
Walked on a mile or so,<.br>
then they rested on a rock<.br>
Conveniently low:<.br>
And all
the little Oysters stood<.br>
And waited in a


On this page, I first define a JavaScript function named “speakwalrus” that
writes out a document to the browser including the line the Walrus speaks. 
In the body of the page, I use the page “onload” event to start my timer, with a
first parameter telling it to execute the “speakwalrus” function, and a second
parameter telling it to wait nine seconds before doing so.  The body of the
page is the verse of the poem that precedes the famous quotation.


Very simple, very useful!


I should point out that the use of “&quot;” in the Walrus’ spoken piece
is to provide the quotation marks around the actual spoken parts.  the
document.write statement itself is a single statement ending after the close
parenthesis, at the semicolon.  The semicolons in “&quot;” are part of
the mechanism for including the quote character in a string, not statement
separators as mentioned in the third paragraph, above.


For those who would like to read the whole poem from “Alice through the
Looking Glass”, I found this link:

Thanks for reading!

– Vince Barnes



Q & A Goodies
Questions are
taken from submissions to our Community
Mentors. You can ask a Mentor a
question by going to



X   Please take note:    X



We have had a number of people indicate that their email client programs
are interpreting code examples in this newsletter as actual HTML code instead of
text.  To overcome this problem and to enable everyone to read the
newsletter, there is a period after the “<” in each tag.  If you cut and
paste to try out code examples, please remember to remove the periods. 
Wherever we intend you to use “<.” in your code, the example will show
“<..”.  In this way, you will be safely able to use a global edit to
change “<.” to “<“.  Thanks to all of you for your patience with
this; if this technique creates an undue problem for you however, please let us
know via our feedback address (see Feedback, below).


*** This question was submitted to our Mentor
     The answer was provided by one of our
Mentor Volunteers
Q. Is there anyway either in
JavaScript or html or css to define a length for a selection
A. CSS works best.  If you want to assign the same
properties to all selects in a document then you can do the following:
In the above
example the width of the select is set at 200 pixels.
If you want different
properties for each individual select then you would add a class to the select
tag like so:
<.select class=”selcss”>
Then the CSS stuff would look
like this:

*** This question was submitted to our Mentor
     The answer was provided by one of our
Mentor Volunteers
Q. I am working with a button
on my page:
.start {font-size: 8pt; color:#ffff00;
.end {font-size: 8pt; color:#cc3333;
function highlightButton(s) {

The above is placed above <./head>
Then the
<.FORM><./FORM> lines are placed where I need them to be below
<.FORM NAME=highlight onMouseover=”highlightButton(‘start’)”
<.INPUT TYPE=”button” VALUE=”Hot
Computer Deals Of The Week!”

I would like the button to start out as it appears for
When the page loads, it is the standard
grey default size button. Using <.STYLE><./STYLE> I now have some
control over the button size by specifying font-size: 8pt; Of course, nothing
happens until the cursor is passed over the button.
I tried some [ onload= ]
ideas that didn’t work. Is there a way to control the initial appearance of the


A. I added a class attribute to the INPUT tag. I just used one of the
classes you had already set in your styles, but you can create another one. The
javascript helps with the changes.
<.form name=”highlight”
<.input class=”end” type=”button”
value=”Hot Computer Deals Of The Week!”
I’m not sure which version of HTML you are using…
I’m used to writing in XHTML 1.0, so I’ve made the tags lowercase and added a /
to the end of the INPUT.

*** This question was submitted to our Mentor
     The answer was provided by one of our
Mentor Volunteers


Q. I have what seems like a complicated Image Rollover html. Here’s an
Image 1 –> rollover –> becomes Image 1a
but I want two
other images on the same page to also change at the same time Image 1 becomes
Image 1a


A. Here is an example of rolling over one image and having another image
change.  Take a look at it and you should be able to determine how to have
two images change at the same
<.A HREF=”#”
<.img src=”imgflip/cherry.gif” name=”ani1″ width=”100″
height=”100″ BORDER=”0″><./A>
<.A HREF=”#”><.img
src=”imgflip/drum.gif” name=”ani2″ width=”100″ height=”100″

*** This question was submitted to our Mentor
     The answer was provided by one of our
Mentor Volunteers
Q. Is there anyway that I can
make multiple frames load at a time without using a form, and using just a
regular link?


A. There are a couple of different ways you can accomplish this.  The
first example uses “inline JavaScript” to load two frames:
<.a href=”#”
The second example uses a function that is passed the documents
to load when you click on a link:
<.a href=”#”
onClick=”Doframes(‘page1.html’,’page2.html’)”>Click Me<./a>
In both
examples you need to specify the name of the frame that you want the documents
to load in.

*** This question was submitted to our Mentor
     The answer was provided by one of our
Mentor Volunteers


Q. I have one more problem with JavaScript programs.  A lot of times I
create variables and then when I try to use them I get an error saying that they
are undefined.  Why is this?  Here is an example of when this
var a = 1;
function part2()
if (a ==
document.form.textbox.value = “The variable worked,
<.INPUT TYPE=”RADIO” NAME=”why_doesnt”
VALUE=”the_variable_work” onClick=”part1();”>
VALUE=”Variable work?” onClick=”part2();”>
NAME=”textbox” VALUE=”If the variable worked, a message would appear
If I write this in a document and click the
button, an error message comes up saying that it is undefined.  I’ve tried
creating the variable directly from the event handler, renaming the variable,
using checkboxes instead of radio buttons, and nothing works.  I have tried
putting an alert box in the function and it comes up so I know the function is
executing.  It just won’t remember the variable.


A. You are declaring a as a variable from within a function. This makes it
a local variable that is only accessable by that function.  You can make it
a global variable that is accessable by any function by declaring it from
outside any functions, but still between the script tags. Usually global
variables are declared before the first function for the sake of clarity, but
they can be declared from anywhere between the script tags, just not inside a
function. Here’s your script with a as a global variable:
var a = 0; // declares a as a global variable and
initializes it to 0
function part1()
a = 1; // the function sets the
global variable a to equal 1
function part2()
if (a ==
document.form.textbox.value = “The variable worked,
<.INPUT TYPE=”RADIO” NAME=”why_doesnt”
VALUE=”the_variable_work” onClick=”part1();”>
VALUE=”Variable work?” onClick=”part2();”>
NAME=”textbox” VALUE=”If the variable worked, a message would appear

Discussion Goodies


Have you seen the discussion forums on the HTML Goodies website?  It’s
a great place to get help from others who, just like you, are developing web
pages.  Many different topics appear in the forum, and a new one will
appear if you create it!  Here’s a sample of recent topics:





How to make the Java script work on Mozilla browser?:


News Goodies


Spammers Settle With FTC
[April 18, 2006] They told the agency they
won’t do it again.
Read the article:


Symantec’s $1B Tax Bill
[April 18, 2006] An audit of its Veritas
acquisition goes from bad to worse.
Read the article:


Microsoft Refreshes Windows Defender
[April 18, 2006] Improved
detection and taskbar support added to beta release of spyware detection tool.

Read the article:


Oracle Takes Telcos From Silo to SOA
[April 18, 2006] The company
packs its software into an SOA for telco providers.
Read the article:


Video Compression And The Future
[April 18, 2006] The world as you
see it through video is about to change.
Read the article:


Latest Microsoft Security Glitch Limited
[April 18, 2006] UPDATED:
So far. But there is no telling how many apps could be hit tomorrow.
the article:


Level 3 Buys More Local Fiber
[April 17, 2006] The company snatches
up ICG’s fiber network for $163 in stock and cash.
Read the article:


Borland Defines Software Requirements
[April 17, 2006] The company
says Caliber DefineIT closes the gap between business managers and IT
Read the article:


Jury Clears RealNetworks of Infringement
[April 17, 2006] Unanimous
jury says Real did not infringe patents of Ethos Technology. 
Read the


Virtualization Management, Cassatt-Style
[April 17, 2006] The
company’s new software manages physical servers and virtual machines from
VMware, Xen and Microsoft.
Read the article:

Feedback Goodies



Did you ever wish your newsletter was an easy two way communications
medium?  Ploof! It now is!
If you would like to comment on the
newsletter or expand/improve on something you have seen in here, you can now
send your input to:



We already receive a lot of email every day.  This address helps us
sort out those relating specifically to this newsletter from all the rest. 
When you send email to this address it may wind up being included in this
section of the newsletter, to be shared with your fellow readers.  Please
don’t send your questions to this address.  They should be sent to our
mentors: see

Thanks for all your feedback!

Windows Tech Goodie of the Week 



Efficiently Paging Through Large Result Sets in SQL Server 2000


This article looks at updating our previous stored procedure to provide an
even-more efficient approach. The stored procedure presented at the end of this
article can be used for classic ASP applications, custom paging with the
DataGrid in ASP.NET 1.x, or used by the ObjectDataSource to provide custom
paging for the GridView in ASP.NET 2.0 applications. Read on to learn



*** AND ***


Use Relative Instead of Absolute Paths


The web is such a fluid environment that, at any time, you might need to
move or rename a branch of your application or maybe even the entire
application. It’s times like these that you’ll be kicking yourself for hard
coding all those links to your application’s supporting files and images.



*** AND ***


Subclassing Pages and Master Pages in ASP.NET 2.0


Sometimes the simplest things in ASP.NET 2.0 turn out to be the hardest
things to implement. One example is trying to have a shared property across all
your web pages. This article shows you how to subclass the System.Web.UI.Page
class in order to build a master page that “knows” the user and let’s you easily
add page-wide properties.


And Remember This …


On this day in…


1775 Paul Revere & William Dawes warned “the British are coming!”; 1868
The San Francisco Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was formed; 1902
Denmark became the first country to adopt fingerprinting to identify criminals;
1906 San Francisco Earthquake killed over 700 people; 1909 Joan of Arc
wasdeclared a saint; 1924 The first crossword puzzle book was published (Simon
& Schuster); 1945 Clandestine Radio 1212, after broadcasting pro-nazi
propoganda for months used their influence to trap 350,000 German army group B
troops; 1948 The International Court of Justice opened at The Hague in the
Netherlands; 1963 Dr James Campbell performed the first human nerve transplant;
1964 Geraldine Mock of the US became the first woman to fly solo round the
world; 1968 London Bridge was sold to a US oil company (to be erected in
Arizona); 1980 Zimbabwe (formerly Southern Rhodesia) declared independence from
the UK; 1990 The US Supreme Court ruled that states could make it a crime to
possess or look at child pornography, even in one’s home;

Born today were: in 1480 infamous murderess Lucretia Borgia; 1921
actress Barbara Hale;  1922 actress Avril Angers; 1925 actor Bob Hastings;
1926 German actor Gunter Meisner; 1929 actor Peter Jeffrey; 1934 actor James
Drury; 1940 Princess of Monaco Ira van Furstenburg (Virginia Caroline); 1946
English actress Hayley Mills; 1946 musician Lenny Baker (Sha Na Na); 1947 actor
James Woods; 1953 actor Rick Moranis; 1961 English actress Jane Leeves; 1963
Talk show host Conan (Christopher) O’Brien; 1976 actress Melissa Joan


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