Saturday, March 29, 2025

Goodies To Go! Newsletter #376


Goodies to Go ™

February 14, 2006 — Newsletter # 376


     This newsletter is part of
the network.



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A Note about Email Filtering:
All Goodies To Go
newsletters are sent from the domain “”  Please use this
domain name (not the entire “from” address, which varies) when configuring
e-mail or spam filter rules, if you use them.


Featured this week:


*   Goodies Thoughts – A Real Hybrid
*   Q & A
*   Discussion Goodies
*   News Goodies

*   Feedback Goodies
*   Windows Tech Goodie of the
*   And Remember This…




A Real Hybrid


A couple of weeks ago (or so) I told you about a new computer I had
ordered.  (If you missed it, you’ll find the piece here:
At the time I told you that I would let you know what I thought of it after
I had been using it for a while.  Now’s the time!


The machine in question is a Gateway CX200X.  I got mine loaded with
extra RAM, a big hard drive and all the best of the extras.  If a machine’s
worth buying, it’s worth buying right!  If you recall, the item that swung
my mind in favor of this machine over all the other hybrids was the PCMCIA slot,
that will enable me to use my Verizon Wireless Broadband Internet card to keep
my machine connected to the Internet.  Without a constant connection to the
Internet, a computer just isn’t a computer, in my mind!


My new hybrid has held a constant connection with a program actively using
the net while I drove from Tampa all the way across the State of Florida to
Daytona Beach, flawlessly.  This, of course, is a credit to both the
computer and to Verizon Wireless. (BTW — I was the one driving, not the one
using the computer; the two activities don’t seem to be completely
compatible!)  This takes care of my number one requirement.


Next, there’s the machine’s overall usability.  Here’s the deal: this
machine is absolutely the business!  I can’t say enough about the workings
of the touch screen associated with the Tablet PC aspect of the computer and
Windows Tablet PC edition.


This OS features what it calls “ink”.  “Ink” is the result of writing
or drawing stuff right on the screen.  Software in the system is then able
to interpret the ink as text, drawings or just as an image.  The computer
came with a few “extras” (maybe they come with the OS — no real difference)
that included among others an “Ink Desktop” which allows you to write notes and
so on right on your desktop, which can then be cut and pasted into programs, if
you wish, and an ink crossword puzzle game.


Much like the card games that came with earlier versions of Windows, that
enables you to get used to using a mouse (if you’re long enough in the tooth to
recall that!) the ink puzzle is a great way to get used to writing text on the
screen in such a way that it can be correctly interpreted.  I still have
occasional problems with “H”s and “I”s wanting to be “A”s and “l”s, but I’m
getting better!


As far as the navigation of windows on the desktop is concerned, nothing
could be more intuitive.  If you want to move a window, for example, you
touch the title bar to grab it, and drag it to where you want it.  You can
touch and grab the sides of windows to stretch them, and all the other things
you would expect to do.  The use of this interface is so natural that I had
to stop and really think about what I was doing to realize how effective it
actually is.


The screen is really nice to look at, too.  “Kill Bill” (& “2”)
played very nicely on it!  The only drawback I see is that, compared to my
old laptop, which had an anti-glare screen, the shiny screen on this computer
has some problems around bright light sources.  I will live with that,


This computer definitely brings me the best of both worlds, delivering on
my expectations and them some.  I will have more to say about some of the
software I am using, but that will probably show up on the HTML Goodies website
— so keep your eyes open!  Overall, I have to say “Thanks, and good job!”
to Gateway (and also to Quentin Tarantino!)




Thanks for reading!






– Vince Barnes








Q & A Goodies
Questions are
taken from submissions to our Community
Mentors. You can ask a Mentor a
question by going to



X   Please take note:    X



We have had a number of people indicate that their email client programs
are interpreting code examples in this newsletter as actual HTML code instead of
text.  To overcome this problem and to enable everyone to read the
newsletter, there is a period after the “<” in each tag.  If you cut and
paste to try out code examples, please remember to remove the periods. 
Wherever we intend you to use “<.” in your code, the example will show
“<..”.  In this way, you will be safely able to use a global edit to
change “<.” to “<“.  Thanks to all of you for your patience with
this; if this technique creates an undue problem for you however, please let us
know via our feedback address (see Feedback, below).




*** This question was submitted to our Mentor
    The answer was provided by one of our Mentor


Q. How can I place an image on my web page?  I tried <.IMG
SRC=”joe.gif”>.  This doesn’t work.  A red cross appears.


A. The red “x” where the images is supposed to be, can mean one of a few
things. The path to you image is possibly incorrect. I checked your html code
and noticed most of your graphics are located in a folder called images. If that
is where you placed the image the path to it would be something like <.img
src=”images/joe.gif”> The path depends on exactly where the graphic is
located in relation to where (what directory or folder) your web page calling it
is located. It can get a little confusing as first. If just updating a page look
at the html code of a graphic thats displays properly and make a note of the img
src= code file path to it.
Also keep in mind, file name and the img src code
name must match exactly. Letter case must be the same for both and extension
names, like .jpg or .jpeg must match.
To copy the files you can use a FTP
program for uploading and downloading files and graphics from your
(Note that NT/Win2K hosting servers are not case sensitive – Ed.)






*** This question was submitted to our Mentor
    The answer was provided by one of our Mentor


Q.  What is the html tag to prevent people from “lifting” my artwork
from my site?


A. There is no such tag. There is no technical means to prevent copying
that can’t be gotten around. Nontechnically, there are a couple things you can
do. You can put a copyright notice in big letters across the picture so it can’t
be removed without ruining the picture. You can post just small versions and and
require viewers to contact you for permission to see the larger image. You can
have pages and images which aren’t linked to, so no one can find them without
you giving them the link.






*** This question was submitted to our Mentor
    The answer was provided by one of our Mentor


Q. Can you please help me, I am after a script that will close the page it
is on after a set amount of time; eg 0.1 seconds.







*** This question was submitted to our Mentor
    The answer was provided by one of our Mentor


Q. I have recently made an e-mail form with the help of the tutorial on the
site, and my form is made up entirely of text boxes. However, I find that the

text boxes are ugly.. I would like the borders of them to be a different
colour, so they do not have that “greay shadow” look. I know it is possible to
change the colour of them, as I have seen it done on another website, but how
can I do it on mine?


A. The easiest way to do it is to set up a style for the “input” in you
style sheet, since you are only using text boxes. The following will also apply
to any radio buttons or checkboxes that may be in the form. If you add them
later, you may want to set up a class. But for now, add this to your style

input { border: 1px solid black; }
You can use change the pixel
size, or switch from solid to dashed. For colors, you can use the text names
that are available, or the hexidecimal (#000000).






*** This question was submitted to our Mentor
    The answer was provided by one of our Mentor


Q. How do I make a link from a popup window close the popup window and link
back to a page of the main web site?


A. To refer back to the window that opened the popup you would use the term
“opener”.  I would suggest that you create a function in your popup to load
the page into the main window and then close the popup.  The function could
look like this:
function LoadPage(linkid)
You can then
call this function and pass the page you want to load into the “opener” window
as a value like this:
<.a HREF=”#”
onClick=”LoadPage(‘mypage.html’)”>Click Me<./a>
HREF=”javascript:LoadPage(‘mypage.html’)”>Click Me<./a>
The second
example might be better because IE5.0 has a problem when you use the “#” sign to
void the link.  You can also reference function in the “opener” window from
the popup by prefacing the function name with the term “opener” like
As you can see you can reference just about
anything in the main window as long as you preface it with “opener”.






*** This question was submitted to our Mentor
    The answer was provided by one of our Mentor


Q. I tried to copy and paste two of your JavaScript codes onto my page,
but the code shows up on my page instead of what the code is supposed to
do.  It doesn’t look like anything is wrong with the code, but can you tell
me why the code is showing up on my page.  I also tried the digital clock
and got the same result.


A. Usually the code will show up on a page if you have left out the
<.script> <./script> tags.










Discussion Goodies


Have you seen the discussion forums on the HTML Goodies website?  It’s
a great place to get help from others who, just like you, are developing web
pages.  Many different topics appear in the forum, and a new one will
appear if you create it!  Here’s a sample of recent topics:




is it possible to change iframe source using plain html:










News Goodies


Sun Microsystems Opens Doors For Linux
[February 14, 2006] The company
gives programmers a chance to write software for the T1 processor.
Read the


Google Buddies Up With BearingPoint
[February 14, 2006] Partnership
will use search to tie together enterprise systems.
Read the article:


IBM Prices p5 Servers Right For SMBs
[February 14, 2006] The systems
vendor offers the 560Q, along with promotional pricing to entice Unix users.

Read the article:


HP Eases Linux Subscriptions with Novell
[February 14, 2006] New
SUSE package may offer better terms than Red Hat for virtualized
Read the article:


Yahoo’s ‘Openness and Reform’ China Defense
[February 13, 2006]
Prepping for a likely hostile House hearing Wednesday, Yahoo defends its
cooperation with Beijing..
Read the article:


Google’s Slide Continues
[February 13, 2006] Google shareholders
could be forgiven if they spend Valentine’s Day wondering where the love has
Read the article:


Microsoft Buys MotionBridge
[February 13, 2006] Acquisition of
mobile search provider to help take Windows Live mobile.
Read the


Microsoft Flies Out of 3GSM Gate
[February 13, 2006] The company
tries to expand its toe-hold in the mobile space with early announcements at the
Read the article:


HP to Split Handhelds, Notebooks
[February 13, 2006] Computer maker
carves out new spot for iPaq smartphones. 
Read the article:


Microsoft, Motorola in Music Pact
[February 13, 2006] Coming soon to
your mobile phone — music, podcasts and television shows.
Read the




Feedback Goodies



Did you ever wish your newsletter was an easy two way communications
medium?  Ploof! It now is!
If you would like to comment on the
newsletter or expand/improve on something you have seen in here, you can now
send your input to:



We already receive a lot of email every day.  This address helps us
sort out those relating specifically to this newsletter from all the rest. 
When you send email to this address it may wind up being included in this
section of the newsletter, to be shared with your fellow readers.  Please
don’t send your questions to this address.  They should be sent to our
mentors: see






Thanks for all your feedback!








Windows Tech Goodie of the Week 



Using Strongly-Typed Data Access in Visual Studio 2005 and ASP.NET


As this article explores, strongly-typed DataSets offer a number of
advantages over alternative, loosely-typed data access techniques and, with
Visual Studio 2005, creating and using strongly-typed DataSets has never been
easier. Read on to learn more!



*** AND ***


Output Methods ASP.NET Sample Code


This sample examines the different ways to get the value of a variable
output onto a web page at runtime. In addition to the same old Response.Write
and <%= %> methods, ASP.NET throws a few new options into the mix.



*** AND ***


Introducing Perst, an Open Source, OO Embedded Database for .NET


This article serves as an introduction to Perst, an open source, OO
embedded database for .NET. In addition to high performance and a modest
footprint, one of Perst’s greatest achievements is its tight integration with
Java and C#, resulting in exceptional ‘transparent persistence’ and ease of











And Remember This …


1929 The St. Valentines Day Massacre


On this day in 1929 Brooklyn (New York City) born organized crime boss
Alphonse Capone sent some of his gunmen to a garage on North Clark Street in
Chicago to murder seven members of George “Bugs” Moran’s North Siders
gang.  Dubbed the “St. Valentine’s Day Massacre” in the media, the coverage
it received and the outrage it provoked inspired the feds to step up their
efforts to get Al Capone off the streets.  Moran had been tricked into
thinking that he was to buy some fine whiskey at a low price and was to pick it
up at the garage.  Moran himself was late.  Four of Capone’s men,
dressed in stolen police uniform, entered the garage and told Moran’s people to
drop their weapons and line up against the wall.  Thinking just that they
were to be arrested, they complied.  They were slain in a hail or machine
gun bullets and shotgun fire.  Apparently, one of Capone’s men had mistaken
one of Moran’s men for Moran himself, which enabled them to proceed. 
Meanwhile, as Moran approached the garage he saw what he thought was a police
raid and so drove off.




Today was also the day that in: 1803 James Davenport of Philadelphia
was awarded the patent for an apple parer; 1876 Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha
Gray both separately filed for a patent for the telephone; the US Supreme Court
eventually ruled that Bell was the rightful owner; 1899 the US Congress began
using voting machines; 1912 Arizona became the 48th State in US; 1918 the USSR
adopted the Gregorian calendar; 1919 United Parcel Service was founded; 1920 the
League of Women Voters was formed in Chicago; 1924 Thomas Watson founded the
International Business Machine company (IBM); 1946 the Bank of England was
nationalized; 1949 the first session of the Knesset opened in Jerusalem; 1967
Aretha Franklin recorded “RESPECT”; 1971 Richard Nixon installed a secret taping
system in the White Hose; 1978 Texas Instruments patented teh first
“Microcomputer on a Chip”; 1989 Union Carbide agreed to pay $470 million for the
disaster in Bhopal India; 1989 Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini of Iran offered a
$1-3 million bounty for Salman Rushdie because of his book “Satanic Verses”;
1992 Somalian cease-fire began; 1994 Jerry Garcia (Grateful Dead), then 51,
married Deborah Koons;


Born today were: in 1859 Engineer & Ferris wheel inventor George
Washington Gale Ferris. Swiss astronomer, Super Nova discoverer, Fritz Zwicky;
1905 actress Thelma Ritter; 1913 disappearing Teamsters Union leader Jimmy
Hoffa; 1916 actor Edward Platt (call him on your shoe-phone); 1921 TV journalist
Hugh Downs; 1927 Canadian actress Lois Maxwell (Miss Moneypenny); 1929 actor Vic
Morrow; 1934 actress Florence Henderson; 1944 Washington Post Investigative
Reporter Carl Bernstein (Watergate); 1945 actor/dancer Gregory Hines; 1945
English musician Vic Briggs; 1946 musician Tim Buckley; 1948 magician Raymond
Joseph Teller; 1998 son of model Elle MacPherson, Arpad Flynn Busson;







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