Thursday, March 13, 2025

February 25, 2002– Newsletter #169

Goodies to Go ™
February 25, 2002–Newsletter #169

This newsletter is part of the network.

Announcement Goodies

Starting next week we will be
featuring one of our Community Mentors here so that you can get a chance to know
them. We appreciate their hard work, so we thought that acknowledging a Mentor
each week would be a nice way of saying thanks.



Goodies Thoughts – Goodbye Winter Olympics

I’m sure the close of the 2002 Winter
Olympics came with a big sigh of relief for some of you. Now you can get back to
all of your regular shows on NBC that got bumped.

I have never really been a big fan of the Winter Olympics before but this year’s
Olympics held some real interest. I don’t know, maybe it was the new
snowboarding events, maybe it was getting to see some events like Curling on
CNBC that I didn’t even know existed or maybe I’m just getting older. Whatever
the reason, it was nice to slow down for a while and watch some of the best
athletes in the world give it everything they had for a medal.

It was a lot of fun cheering for my country’s athletes and for some of the
underdog athletes of other countries like Switzerland’s wonder kid Simon Ammann
who effortlessly floated down the hill in the ski jump competition. You had to
smile when you watched him check out his jump results. You could almost feel his
excitement through the T.V.

There were also quite a few firsts for the Winter Olympics. There were both male
and female African American and Hispanic medalists. There was the addition of
the snowbaording events which got the games off to a very energetic start. There
was unprecedented security. And there was the the first third generation Olympic
athlete, Jimmy Shea, who carried a photograph of his grandfather (the first
generation Olympic athlete) who was killed by a drunk driver just a few months
before he would have had the opportunity to watch his grandson bring home the

Now any competition wouldn’t be complete without some good old-fashioned
controversy like the Russians threatening to pull out of the games as a result
of the whole pairs figure-skating fiasco. Or the South Korean protests over the
loss of the gold in the speedskating competition due to a bumping call.

All-in-all the games went smooth and fair and I, for one, am actually looking
forward to the next Winter Olympics. From opening to closing the Winter Olympics
are just a brief moment in history where the world can get together to share the
joys, the disappointments and the over-whelming emotions of competing for the
love of the sport and not for the power of the all-mighty dollar.


Thanks for reading!


Quiz Goodies

Let’s say you were building a form
that collects a U.S. phone number as part of the form. The phone number needs to
be split
into 3 sections: area code, prefix and suffix. How would you build the form to
gather the information AND limit the user to only entering 3 digits in the area
code, 3 digits in the prefix and 4 digits in the suffix.

(Assume the <FORM> and </FORM> tags already exist)

Q & A Goodies

Q. Some websites show a small
graphic logo in the MSIE address  bar, instead of the standard IE "e on a
page" logo (Netscape does not show the alternate logo in its address bar).

The question – how can I get my site to put up a logo in the address bar?


A. What you are seeing is
Favicon. It is a 16×16 image that when linked correctly in your HTML code, it
will show up in the address bar. You can make your own Favicon and then upload
it to your site. In the HEAD section of your HTML code you would link to it like
   <LINK REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="/favicon.ico">

Take a look at this site:

It will explain the whole process and it even has an online editor
so you can create your own Favicon.

*** This question was submitted to our Mentor Community. The answer was provided
by Bob Conley, one of our Web Design Mentors.


Q. How can I (if at all) set
up an automatic forwarding link from one website to another? I’ve seen it done
when you visit a site and are greeted with "you are being redirected" and then
taken to another site!


A. You can use javascript to
automatically redirect viewers to another page. You should also include a link
incase someone has javascript disabled. See below.


   <script language="JavaScript">




   Click the link below if you are not automatically redirected.

   <a href="">



*** This question was submitted to our Mentor Community. The answer was provided
by Ryan Flynn, one of our HTML Mentors.


Q. I need to know if it is
possible to put a link (an href) to your page source, so you can have someone
simply click the link instead of them having to right click or go to the menu
bar on top.


A. The code you need is pretty
simple…just insert this wherever you want the button to appear on your page:

  This goes in between the <head></head> tags:

     <script language="JavaScript">
        function showsource(page) {
        // show this source code
        window.location = "view-source:" +

   This goes anywhere on the page where you want the button:

     <input type="button" value="View Source"

*** This question was submitted to our Mentor Community. The answer was provided
by Debra Fisher, one of our HTML Mentors.

Quiz Answer

To fulfill the requirements we will
need 3 different text
boxes, one for each item required. To make it look a bit more
readable we will add the parentheses before and after the area
code and separate the prefix from the suffix with a dash.

To restrict how many characters the user can enter in each box
we will use the MAXLENGTH attribute. This simply tells the
browser that no matter what the size of the text box is, only
accept x number of characters.

Here’s an example of the HTML:

     Telephone: (
     <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="AreaCode" MAXLENGTH=3

     <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="Prefix" MAXLENGTH=3

     <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="Suffix" MAXLENGTH=4


(The SIZE attribute simply defines the length of the text box
in characters)


And Remember This . . .

Did you know that on this day in
1913, the 16th Amendment to
the U.S. constitution went into effect? Do you know what the
16th Amendment was? It granted the right of each American to
pay for their government in the form of an income tax. And as
a result, the IRS would be born.

Thanks for reading Goodies to Go!


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