Thursday, March 13, 2025

A Developer’s First Impressions of Windows Phone 7 Mango

Although Microsoft has released Windows Phone 7 Mango to manufacturers, the general public has not had a chance to give the updated operating system a test drive. One developer, however, recently got a chance to check out a Mango phone, and shared his initial impressions.

The developer’s initial reaction to Mango was disappointment over two issues: the lack of a screen capture utility, and the removal of support for ID_CAP_INTEROPSERVICES and DLL import, which breaks a lot of apps that previously worked fine.

On the positive side of things, the developer was very excited by the new Bing Vision, which enables users to use the phone’s camera as a barcode scanner, which then allows you to access information, or purchase the scanned item online. Another favorite feature was the ability to use the phone to identify music that it “hears” and then find the songs online. Both of these features are available as apps on iPhone and Android devices.

Read the original article here.

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