Thursday, March 13, 2025


3. Concern: OK…your image on the left is active, the one
of you on the phone. I clicked on it. I assumed since you
are being shown as the operator that I would get
information about contacting you so I could buy a
system. Here’s what I got:

I got you…bigger. Why?

Suggestion: Either lose the link altogether or make that
link tell me how to get in touch with the company. The
visual is you as an operator. I assumed that I would get
an operator by clicking. Visuals suggest…make what
happens equal to the suggestion.

4. Concern: Let me take you down the page a bit. I’ll bet
you cannot see this on the scan so take my word for what
I’m telling you here.

Along the bottom of the page are a series of little, one-
character links sending me to other pages on the system.
Some load and some do not. What are they? There are
two more along the bottom of the full page that go to
other mock-ups of the page.

Suggestion: My guess is that these are internal links –
meant for the company people to test or get information
about something. If so – lose the links to them. Make a
page that has no link going to it and give that link URL to
your techs. They go to that page and there are all the
links. As you have it now, I just kept clicking, trying to
figure out what I was getting into.

5 Concern: This a common thing and I can guess why
you have it. Each page has two equal formats of
navigation. I can either use the applet or the drop down
box in the top left. Do you have both because the applet
doesn’t always show?

Suggestion: If so – then lose the applet and go with text
link equal along the bottom of the page. I’m a fan of one
navigation bar. Lead people, don’t put numerous choices
before them and allow them to pick. Lead them.

Overall: I love my Dish System. I watch more movies
than I should. I’m even getting into the Food Channel. I
love the Two Fat Ladies.


That’s that.

Joe Burns, Ph.D.

Always Remember: When it comes to designing your Web site, the
most important person is not you, but your user.

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