Tuesday, March 18, 2025


Do I choose a link from across the top? If yes, then most
likely, I’ll choose the handbook link. It’s next in line.

Now I have a handbook. I read it. I see phone numbers
that are only extensions. How can I call those numbers?
I can’t. I read over the handbook and have a general
knowledge of what I think I’m supposed to do, but I have
questions. How do I ask them?

Well, there’s an email. I guess I could use that. When
will I receive an answer? I’d like to call, but we’re back
to the problem of no phone numbers.

I try the links page. It’s just a run of links to medical
schools. I try the tests link. I receive links to other areas.
The experimental learning link gives me more text. At
this point, I don’t really feel advised. I feel like I’ve been
given a pamphlet and told to come back after I have the

Here’s a different idea. Instead of simply offering the
information is a neat format, why not carry the visitor
through the information?

Get the advisors together and start talking about what
questions you get when a student shows up on the
doorstep. I’ll bet my hat that there are a couple of
questions that you hear time and time again.
Wellanswer them. Answer them before the visitor has
the opportunity to ask them.

You are your own best source of information for this site.
Why not try this format: Start with a welcome page, as
you have, but on that page, title the highest section of the
page, “The most common questions”. These are the
questions you hear most often. I’ll bet that the student
visiting the site has those same questions. Offer the
answer before he or she is given the ability to ask.

The student clicks on the question and that takes them to
a page with the answer. You most likely know what
questions follow the answer. Offer those questions on the
page so the user sees the question before he or she can
ask it.

Move the user through the information rather than simply
offering the information and assuming the user knows
what to do with it and how to assimilate it.

Your advisory program has most likely guided thousands
of students. You know the drill. I’ll bet you could advise
in your sleep because you know what questions are
coming and when they’re coming. Maybe new students
have different questions than current students. If so, then
allow the visitor to the site to choose whether they are a
new or current student. Maybe the current student
section could be broken down into sophomore, junior,
and senior.

Perform an advising session online. Do it for the user
rather than hoping the user will do it for his or herself.
They won’t. They’ll call or email you. The site was just
a barrier the user had to jump to get your email address.

The overall point I’m attempting to make here is that
design is more than well-presented pages offering good
information. That good information must be offered in a
format that is usable to the viewer.

Design must also take into account how the user will
move through the site. How best can the user be lead so
that he or she will understand and gain the most from the
information presented? That’s the real key.

This Web site offers it all, it just doesn’t offer it in a user-
friendly format. If Reagan would redesign so that mock
advising sessions occurred covering numerous pages, the
information would start to come alive. The information
would no longer be static. It would become dynamic,
being presented as the user calls for it.

You…the one reading this newsletter…is your site set up
so that you lead the user? Is the information on your site
provided in such a manner that is it obvious where to go
and what’s there. Can a visitor move through your site
gaining information in a correct order as they go?

It’s not easy and it doesn’t always apply to every site, but
the concept of making information dynamic by leading
the user should always be in the back of a designer’s

The RIT Premedical Studies Advisory Program is poised
to be a stunning site. It’s all there. It just needs to be
placed into a format that anticipates and then answers the
common questions a student would have.

What’s great about that is that you already know the
questions the students will have. Answer them. The goal
should be a site that will lessen the foot traffic coming
through your door.

Accomplish that and you’ll have a site you know is doing
the job.


That’s that.

Joe Burns, Ph.D.

Always Remember: When it comes to designing your Web site, the
most important person is not you, but your user.

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