Meet Our ASP Mentors
Don Newman:
I have
worked professionally as an ASP and VB developer for 3 years after having done
HTML development for 4 years prior to that. After graduating college I went to
work in the computer hardware field before making the leap to software
development in 1999 for Lotus Notes. My past history of HTML programming came
calling and I moved on to a project of updating an old VAX Basic customer
management system in the cable industry to a web application running across 4
web servers and 2 database servers using ASP, VB, and Oracle. Since then I have
gone on to develop a large e-commerce site running on IIS, Site Server 3
Commerce, and MS SQL Server 7 / 2000. This has been an ongoing project with new
development and support for previously developed code while working on a
multitude of ASP based web sites including a file management system and resume
posting service.My personal hobbies include scale car modeling, running a web site for modelers
and building robots.
Dwayne Dever:
I have
worked with Active Server Pages technology since its inception, both as a full
time employee and contractor for companies such as Sprint and Aventis InPharma.Currently, I am employed full time at a pediatric hospital in the mid west. I
develop distributed applications for them utilizing Visual Basic, ASP, COM+ and
T-SQL. I also develop database driven, dynamic internet applications for
organizations in my spare time…when I’m not being harassed by my two cats, or
spending time with my wife.
Jeremy Lowery:
I am
currently a freelance web developer doing outsourced and in house development
for third-party companies. I have been active in Microsoft DNA application
development for the past 4 years, and general development for the past 7. My
strong points include COM, database architecture, and ASP.