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- So, You Want Text Commands, Huh?
This tutorial gives you a list, with examples, of all those fun little things you can do to text. - So, You Want HEAD Commands, Huh?
What do those HEAD commands do anyway? Find out here. - So, You Want To Align Text, Huh?
Here you’ll learn the basics about wrapping text around images and justifying to one side or the other. It’s a good page creation primer. - Refresh the Page
Refresh the page for the user, or give him or her a link to do it alone. - So, You Want A Web Ring, Huh?
Learn how to make your own or attach to one that’s already on line. - So, You Want To Set Up Your First Site, Huh?
This is a basic tutorial explaining how to create links between all the pages you create. It gives a quick idea of how to set up your own site. - So, You Don’t Want Links Underlined, Huh?
Want to lose the underline on your links? Here’s how. - So, You Want Newspaper Columns, Huh?
Here’s a nice short one that tells you how to arrange large blocks of text into newspaper columns. - So, You Want RealAudio, Huh?
Up until now, RealAudio was a format that was difficult to come by because you needed to run it off of a special RealAudio server. Now, with the release of the 3.0 player, it’s possible to run RealAudio files off of an HTTP server. I’ll show you how. - So, You Want An FTP Directory, Huh?
Many people have asked me how to set up an FTP directory. The only true way is to set up a separate section of the server and give it its own IP number. Most people don’t have that ability. This tutorial gives you the methods of creating a pretty fair copy of an FTP directory using only HTML commands. - So, You Want An HTML Declaration, Huh?
Learn all about the use of HTML declaration statements and whether you need one or not. - So, You Want A Dynamic Page, Huh?
This tutorial explains how to make HTML pages change by themselves and how to make sounds play when someone stops by. - So, You Want A Page Jump, Huh?
With this tutorial you can learn how to offer links inside the same page. Your viewer can jump right to the part of
the page he/she wants. - So, You Don’t Want .html, Huh?
Learn to use directories to eliminate the .html suffix. - So, You Want Indents and Lists, Huh?
Use HTML to present information in strong bullet lists. I’ll show you many different ways to arrange data so your viewers can use what you offer more quickly. - So, You Want Password-Protected Pages, Huh?
This is cool. You will be shown how to set up a directory that will only let in those who know the password. - So, You Want An Active Channel, Huh?
Make a link directly from you to your viewers — set up an active channel. - So, You Want A Searchable Database, Huh?
Learn how to search Yahoo, Webcrawler, or any other search engine right from your own page. Plus get the facts about setting up your very own searchable database. - So, You Want A Sound/Embed, Huh?
You can have sounds on your page using .au, .wav, or midi formats. I’ll show you how to either embed the sounds or call them up through helper applications. - So, You Want To Change Your Font, Huh?
Don’t just use different colors, use different fonts! - So, You Want A Meta Command,
Meta commands don’t add anything visually to your page, but they help a great deal when you submit your pages to search engines. Basically, the commands make you very easy to find. - So, You Want A New Browser Window, Huh?
This is slick. When someone clicks on a link, an entire new browser window pops up. Not overly useful, but slick. - So, You Want A Chat Room, Huh?
Real-time chat with people all over the world — right from your own site. Enough said. - So, You Want To Pow Wow,
Not exactly a chat room — but just as good. You can have a real-time chat with anyone on the Net, anywhere in the world. - So, You Want Tabs, Huh?
There is no command in HTML that allows you to set tabs. Well, this tutorial will show you a pretty simple method of putting your text to tabs using HTML and
JavaScript together. - So You Don’t Want Borders, Huh?
The code in this tutorial will allow you to create pages that butt right up against the sides of the browser window. Come by and see how it’s done.
Read these to be up to speed on the latest version of our favorite language!
- So, You Want To Know HTML 4.0, Huh?
Here’s the newest version of HTML so you can understand it. - HTML 4.0: The SPAN Tag
This is the first in my HTML 4.0 series. The SPAN tag is a great command that is sure to become the workhorse of pages to come. Read this and learn about everything you can do with it. - HTML 4.0: Tables
This is a long list of examples on how HTML 4.0 affects table creation. - HTML 4.0: Frames
How does HTML 4.0 affect frame creation? Here’s how!