Saturday, March 29, 2025

How to Create Jump Links with HTML

I get letters about how to do these internal page jumps all the
time. These are a great way to allow people to move quickly
inside a long page. I have them all
over my HTML Goodies tutorials.

Here’s what I’m talking about:

Click Here to visit
the bottom of this

Here’s how ya do it…

You need to place two items on each page:

1. A basic link command pointing to another section of the

2. The point where the page will jump.

Here’s the basic link command:

<A HREF=”#codeword”>Blue Words,
Blue Words

Here’s how you denote where the jump will scroll the page:

<A NAME=”codeword”>

Here’s what’s happening

    • The A HREF command is the same as a basic link except
      the link is to a codeword rather than a URL.
    • PLEASE NOTICE there is a # sign in front of the
      codeword. You need that to denote it is an internal link.
      Without the # sign, the browser looks for something outside
      the page named after your codeword. …and it ain’t gonna be
    • Your “codeword” can be just about anything you want. I try
      my best to keep it short and make it denote what it is jumping
      to. There might be a limit to the number of letters you can
      use–but I haven’t found it yet.
    • The point where the page will jump follows the same general
      format except you will replace the word HREF with the word
    • PLEASE NOTICE there is no # sign in the NAME
    • Note! Where you place the NAME target will appear at
      the top of the screen browser.

Jumping from another page

Let’s say you have a tutorial–much the same as this one–and you
will be jumping from page to page. It would make things a lot
easier if, when you jump between pages, you could have the
jumped-to page load at a specific point rather than loading at
the top each time. Well, you can…

See the words “Welcome Back!” a few lines down? Well, I’m going
to have you jump to a new page where it will explain the process
and then you will jump back so “Welcome Back” appears at the top
of the browser screen.

So here we go…

Click Here to Go

Welcome Back!

I knew I’d see you again.

So…do ya got it? Good. Thanks
for coming.

Hi There…

…and welcome to the bottom of the page

No, seriously…you’re at the bottom of the same page. Look at
the scroll bar on the right. Now the square marker is towards
the bottom. Do you want to learn how to do this?

Click Here to go
back to the

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