Friday, March 28, 2025

Real Time Multiplayer in HTML5


by Sven Bergström

Multiplayer and browsers

When you consider making multiplayer games, there are many methods available for creating a game that friends can play online. There is a good variety of multiplayer game types – take for example a card game you play synchronously with friends. Turns are made, information is exchanged in (semi) real time and the game progresses in discrete steps. Another example, Chess, can be asynchronous. Players take their time, contemplating possible actions and play their next move one week from now. These types of multiplayer games exist in browsers, and have for a long time. The nature of the browser itself makes it easy to make semi real time games, but we want more-visceral real time action.

Card games and Chess both usually require communication with a server and communication with the other players in order to work online. This is the foundation of a multiplayer experience to be possible – and for a long time this has existed via HTTP, where POST and GET have always been used to manage games.

The trouble with these methods is the delay, posting a message and waiting for a response each time is just too slow. It works for the semi real time and asynchronous games, but real time games require messages sent and received sometimes in the region of 33~66 times per second, something that is not quite possible with HTTP alone.

Luckily, in modern browsers we can take one step higher, and have a real time connection between a server and clients. The purpose of this discussion is to present one overview of how multiplayer games are made. We will look at input prediction, lag compensation, client interpolation and more importantly – how to do this in your normal browser using websockets. The article will present a playable demo with parameters to play with, showcasing the concepts discussed.

The technologies that we have chosen and why

Frame rate independence

Multiplayer games in real time

Games are a difficult thing to make. Getting the game play to feel good, physics to be smooth, collisions to be correct and controls to feel tight – all these things take hard work already. Adding a multiplayer component makes this far more complex, as there is now a server involved. Players need to be informed of other players’ actions but there is a network delay.

Networking on a high level, a simple lobby

The way we will approach networking our game example is fairly straightforward. Our game in this demo can only have two players in it, for simplicity. In our demo, a client connects to the server, then the server either gives them an existing game to join, or creates a game for someone else to join. Then the game is added to the list of games on the server to update, and the clients update their game on their end. This is illustrated below; it works like a very simple lobby system.

Simple multiplayer lobby

Networking and the game loops

When it comes to a real time game, we want to run the game logic itself on the server AND the client. This is due to the fact that the server needs to be the authority on the state of the game at all times, but the client needs to run the game locally too. Each frame on the server, input from the network will be processed and applied to players, and that change is sent to the other players at a fixed rate. On the client, input will be collected and sent to the server, and positions can be updated while waiting for the messages to come back from the server (client prediction).

The approach we will be implementing works as follows:

  • Client presses the right key, client moves immediately right
  • Server receives the input message and stores it for the next update
  • The next server update, the player input is applied, moving him right on the server state
  • All changes in state are sent to all clients
  • Client receives the message immediately setting clients positions (authoritative)
  • Client can smoothly correct mistakes in prediction from the first step

The game server set up

On the server, we have two updates running. The one update is run at a high frequency, which updates the physics and state of the game. We will call this the physics update loop, which is run every 15ms (about 66 updates per second). The second update we can call the server update loop, which is run at a slower rate, every 45ms (about 22 updates per second). In the server update loop we send the state of the server to all clients. Most of what we will implement is based on the theory presented in the networking of the Source Engine from Valve Software.

The server update loops looks like this: :

Server update loops

The server physics loop (15ms)

Don’t let the term physics scare you, in our example it is extremely simple linear motion. We take the input from the clients, and we move them according to what they pushed. If they press left, you move them left. When we add client side prediction, we need to also tell the clients which of their inputs we had processed last. So how does our server update the physics?

  • Process input that we stored from the network
  • Work out the direction they intended to move based on input stored
  • Apply the changes of this direction to the player position
  • Store the last processed input number
  • Clear any inputs that we have stored

The server update loop (45ms)

The update loop sends the state of the server to all clients. This varies per game of course, and in our example the state consists of player positions, the inputs of the player we have already processed (the last processed input number), and the local server time.

What you send in the state update is up to you, and often more than one server update loop can be employed to lower the amount of traffic used. A simple example would be a day/night cycle. If the cycle was changing at a much lower rate than everything else, you can send the state of the sun every 5 seconds instead of every 45 ms.

The client set up and update loops

On the client we also run multiple loops, one for the physics/game at 15ms again, like the server. The second is the regular update loop, but instead this one runs at 60fps (preferably), or as fast as the client can run the game. In HTML5 we usually rely on RequestAnimationFrame to handle this update, calling whenever the browser updates the window. This update loop is detailed below, and is quite standard:

  • Clear canvas
  • Draw info/status
  • Handle input (sends input messages to server)
  • Update position (using client prediction)
  • Move the other clients based on the server position (interpolation)
  • Draw players on canvas

The client physics loop

The important thing about the client physics loop has to do with keeping the client positions in sync with what the server has decided our position to be. This means the physics has to match the server when it decides how far to move us, and this is why the physics is updated at a fixed rate. Both the server and client physics should arrive at the same conclusion, given the same inputs. If you have pressed right twice, the results should be almost identical to what the server will calculate your position to be. This is what makes client prediction possible when attempting to mask the delay in a network and the clients.

Important Networking Concepts

Client prediction

We have mentioned this before now, so lets take a look at what exactly it entails. In a naive approach to networking, you might try the following model:

  • Client presses the right key, tell the server
  • Message arrives at server sometime in the future ( 200ms latency )
  • Server sends back the new position to the client
  • Message arrives at the client ( 200ms latency )
  • Client updates their position 400ms+ later.

This approach might work well over LAN connections where the latency is really low, but when connecting players to a server via the Internet, latency can be anywhere from 30ms to 800ms – rendering the game unplayable because of the delay. When you push a key the response is so badly delayed that it will not be a very good game to play at all. But how do we solve this?

Client prediction is the solution, and simply means acting on input immediately, predicting what the server will calculate as well. We apply input with the assumption that your results and the server results (whenever they arrive) will be the same. When a client presses the right key twice, and ends up at x = 2, the server will arrive at the same conclusion and tell you 600ms later – you are still in the correct place.

This is important for immediate feedback on the client side, and even though updates are running via a server, the client positions should match up.

Interpolation of other client positions

Now all we need to update is the other client positions, as they arrive from the network. Again, a naive approach would be to simply set their positions as soon as the message arrives from the server but this leads to extremely jerky rendering of the other clients.

The solution is to store the positions we get from the server and interpolate between them. This means that we draw them a few frames behind the server, but it allows for very smooth updates of all other client positions. In our demo, based on the Source Engine article listed above, we draw the other clients 100ms behind the actual server positions.

All of this is implemented in the demo and elaborated on below in code form, but for more information and very good diagrams on the topic, Gabriel Gambetta did an excellent three part series on the concepts presented – including client prediction, interpolation and the reasons why these work best for real time games. Most important for our example is that we store the input sequence of each input the player gives us. We use this to track where the server is in our list of inputs, and we re-process input that the server has not yet received.

Understanding the demo code

The demo code presented at the end of the article features a working set of the topics discussed, including some debug controls to tweak and see changes and differences in approaches. The demo looks something like this : The demo

Now that we have seen the theory of the example, we can start to see how the code comes together.

How the code is structured

The code in the demo contains four files, each with different portions of the example. The files contain the following logic:

  • client.js The logic for the game client setup in the browser.
  • app.js The server side app to run on node. This handles all the node/express/ set up and code.
  • game.server.js The logic for the game server (‘lobby’).
  • game.core.js The logic for the game play itself, both server and client.

Core game play code

The code inside of game.core.js is the important part of our example. The code is shared between both server (running on node.js) and the client (running in the browser). This allows the code to use the exact same functions and algorithms to process input, synchronise movement, and share data structures.

Classes of the core game play

The game.core.js file hosts three classes, described in detail below.

The game_core class

This class is the driving factor for the whole game state. It runs the update functions, it handles the outputs and inputs of the game and manages the game as it changes. The game core can be described as the game world. It contains two players, a boundary, and it runs the world logic. It makes sure the physics simulations are started up, it makes sure they run on time and it handles the logic of the players inputs.

The game world is where multiplayer happens. We want the game world to exist in three places (for this demo). We want to run a copy of the game world on each client, and one on the server, per game. This is what the lobby does in game.server.js – it creates a world for each set of players that join.

All the code is named according to the purpose served. If the function name starts with client_, this code will never be called on the server side. If the function begins with the term server_, similarly this code will not run on the client but the server only. All other functions on the game_core class is directly related to the game state that gets shared between server and client.

The game_player class

The player code is probably a lot lighter than you might have expected, but the player class simply maintains it’s own spatial properties and knows how to draw itself (if required, like on the browser client). On the server, of course, the draw function is just never called.

An example function that is shared between the client and server

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Shared between server and client.
In this example, `item` is always of type game_player.
game_core.prototype.check_collision = function( item ) {
//Left wall.
if(item.pos.x <= item.pos_limits.x_min) {
item.pos.x = item.pos_limits.x_min;
//Right wall
if(item.pos.x >= item.pos_limits.x_max ) {
item.pos.x = item.pos_limits.x_max;
//Roof wall.
if(item.pos.y <= item.pos_limits.y_min) {
item.pos.y = item.pos_limits.y_min;
//Floor wall
if(item.pos.y >= item.pos_limits.y_max ) {
item.pos.y = item.pos_limits.y_max;
//Fixed point helps be more deterministic
item.pos.x = item.pos.x.fixed(4);
item.pos.y = item.pos.y.fixed(4);
}; //game_core.check_collision

Important functions in the multiplayer code

Some of the functions are more important to multiplayer than others. Let’s look at the important concepts outlined in code, to see how the flow works. The code examples are sometimes simplified to demonstrate the key concept.

Entity interpolation (other clients)

The interpolation/smoothing of the other clients. This is handled in this fashion:

  • Store the network messages from the server about other clients, for at least 100ms
  • Interpolate between a last known position, and a newer position in time (100ms behind the server time)
  • Draw the interpolated clients at the interpolated position.

The way we achieve this is as follows :

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//We store server messages so that we can interpolate the client positions of other clients
//between a past and less past point. This is offset from the server time by net_offset ms.
client_onserverupdate_recieved = function(data){
//Store the server time (this is offset by the latency in the network, by the time we get it)
this.server_time = data.t;
//Update our local offset time from the last server update
this.client_time = this.server_time (this.net_offset/1000);
//Cache the data from the server,
//and then play the timeline
//back to the player with a small delay (net_offset), allowing
//interpolation between the points.
//we limit the buffer, roughly in seconds
// 60fps * buffer seconds = number of samples in the array
if(this.server_updates.length >= ( 60*this.buffer_size )) {
} //onserverupdate
//Before we draw the other clients, we interpolate them based on where they are in the timeline (client_time)
client_process_net_updates = function() {
//First : Find the position in the updates, on the timeline
//We call this current_time, then we find the past_pos and the target_pos using this,
//searching throught the server_updates array for current_time in between 2 other times.
// Then : other player position = lerp ( past_pos, target_pos, current_time );
//The other players positions in the timeline, behind and in front of current_time
var other_target_pos = target.pos;
var other_past_pos = previous.pos;
//this is a simple lerp to the target from the previous point in the server_updates buffer
//we store the destination position on the ghost first, so we smooth even further if we wanted
this.ghosts.pos_other.pos = this.v_lerp( other_past_pos, other_target_pos, time_point );
//If applying additional smoothing,
if(this.client_smoothing) {
//Lerp from the existing position to the ghost position, based on a smoothing amount and physics delta time
this.players.other.pos = this.v_lerp( this.players.other.pos, this.ghosts.pos_other.pos, this._pdt*this.client_smooth);
} else {
//No additional smoothing? Just apply the position
this.players.other.pos = this.pos(this.ghosts.pos_other.pos);

Client prediction (local client)

The prediction takes place in two places, when receiving server authoritative responses, and before drawing we process our input as it happens locally. The logic for this is:

  • Handle input from client
  • Store input and the time of input for smoothing later
  • Store the input sequence
  • Send the inputs and input sequence to the server
  • On confirmation from the server of last known input sequence,
  • Remove inputs that the server has already processed
  • Reapply inputs that still remain to be confirmed

Here is the code simplified to show the input handling:

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client_handle_input = function() {
//Update what sequence we are on now
this.input_seq += 1;
//Store the input state as a snapshot of what happened.
inputs : input,
time : this.local_time.fixed(3),
seq : this.input_seq
//Send the packet of information to the server.
//The input packets are labelled with an ‘i’ in front.
var server_packet = ‘i.’;
server_packet += input.join(‘-‘) + ‘.’;
server_packet += this.local_time.toFixed(3).replace(‘.’,‘-‘) + ‘.’;
server_packet += this.input_seq;
this.socket.send( server_packet );
//In the update loop and when we recieve a message from the server
//we immediately set the client position, as the server has final say,
//but then we apply any input the server has not acknowledged yet, keeping our position consistent
client_process_net_prediction_correction = function() {
//The most recent server update
var latest_server_data = this.server_updates[this.server_updates.length1];
var my_last_input_on_server = ?
latest_server_data.his :
//If the server has sent us a ‘host input sequence’ or ‘client input sequence’ state
if(my_last_input_on_server) {
//The last input sequence index in my local input list
var lastinputseq_index = 1;
//Find this input in the list, and store the index of that input
for(var i = 0; i < this.players.self.inputs.length; ++i) {
if(this.players.self.inputs[i].seq == my_last_input_on_server) {
lastinputseq_index = i;
//Now we can crop the list of any updates we have already processed
if(lastinputseq_index != 1) {
//since we have now gotten an acknowledgement from the server that our inputs here have been accepted
//and we now predict from the last known position instead of wherever we were.
//remove the rest of the inputs we have confirmed on the server
var number_to_clear = Math.abs(lastinputseq_index + 1));
//Then clear the past ones out
this.players.self.inputs.splice(0, number_to_clear);
//The player is now located at the new server position, authoritive server
this.players.self.cur_state.pos = this.pos(my_server_pos);
this.players.self.last_input_seq = lastinputseq_index;
//Now we reapply all the inputs that we have locally that
//the server hasn’t yet confirmed. This will ‘keep’ our position the same,
//but also confirm the server position at the same time.
} // if(lastinputseq_index != -1)
} //if my_last_input_on_server

Multiplayer is a complex thing, and hopefully this simple example has given you an insight into a world of having friends play together in real time.

View the demo

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